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Personality test: What sort of data center manager are you?

Does your job in the data center make you sweat so much you could short circuit a server, or are you so cool you could put out hot spots with willpower alone? Our Data Center Manager Personality Test will tell you.

data center personality test

Whether you lean towards new and experimental technologies, or your strategy is around known and established practice, it takes a mix of personalities and tactics to run a successful data center, and we want to know what makes you tick.

Take our interactive test below and find out your data center manager personality. It’ll take less than a minute, results will be generated immediately and you can choose whether to keep them to yourself or brag about it on your social profiles.

Follow our #DCPersonality hashtag on Twitter too, and see the results your peers are scoring, and how you might differ.

There are five possible personality types and, while this exercise is meant to be entertaining, it’s also based on an established psychometric method. Get started below!


The post Personality test: What sort of data center manager are you? appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.


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